måndag 4 mars 2013

War on women part 2

I live in south of Sweden and during the past 2 years I cannot help to notice how the numbers of women killed by their husbands/ex-husbands must have increased. Not only is it true that 50 % of the victims could have been saved if the contact ban would have been enforced properly by the police but also that the one receiving the custody of the children after committing the murder is the farther.

Number of murdered women 2000-2009

Den 23-åriga kvinnan syns åka buss tillsammans med den åtalade innan hon knivhöggs till döds i sitt hem i Åkersberga. Hennes 26-årige sambo greps och dömdes  i maj till nio års fängelse för dråp

Even though  the numbered of murders is relatively low, it is still to high when evaluating the number of women could have been saved. In most of the cases the man takes a separation a bit to hard and starts to harass the woman. What ordinary happens next is that the woman will apply in court for a contact ban, meaning that the man can not visit or follow her. These contacts ban is often taken very lightly since the man is in many cases a first time offender. Hence lose regulations of the contact ban and failure in providing secrete identity and new housing for the women she ends up murdered at the hand of her children father.  What is also very ironic and irritating when it comes to these cases is that the jail time for the offender is often very short, about 8 years, sometimes 6 with good behavior. If this man instead had committed fraud he would have to face up to 12 years according to the Swedish justice system. Hence we are living in a society that is more keen on protecting property and money instead of actual human life. In my opinion we need to change this by increasing the sentence time for murder under these conditions and also at least 1 years jail time for those that breaks the contact ban. Below there are some statistics of women that was killed by there husbands during a 6 months period 2012. Having in mind that Sweden has a population of 9.9 million this is a very high frequency of murder,,,

Over and out--

Four murders in 6 months in the beginning of 2012

Åkersberga 28 januari 2012
En 23-årig kvinna knivhuggs till döds med en kökskniv i sitt hem i Åkersberga. Hennes 26-årige sambo greps och dömdes i maj till nio års fängelse för dråp. 
Malmö 17 februari 2012
En 39-årig mamma knivmördas framför sina två barn på en utegård i Malmö. Kvinnans 45-årige ex-sambo grips i närområdet och erkänner senare. Mannen är vid tillfället frigiven i väntan på en rättegång i hovrätten gällande olaga frihetsberövande av kvinnan.
Malmö 6 maj 2o12
En 39-årig kvinna skjuts till döds med flera skott när hon sitter i en bil i centrala Malmö. Hennes 44-årige ex-sambo erkänner kort efteråt att han skjutit henne. Kvinnan anmälde ex-sambon redan i vintras för ofredande.
Bålsta 8 juni 2012
En kvinna i 40-årsåldern förs till sjukhus med hjärtstillestånd och avlider senare på natten. Sjukhuset larmar polisen om misstänkt brott. Kvinnans 42-årige sambo anhålls i sin frånvaro och grips tre dagar senare misstänkt för mord. Mannen nekar till brott.

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